Weekly Disruption
A weekly dose of biblical truth to cut through the cultural noise.
Website : https://www.firstcitybellevue.com/weekly-disruption/
RSS Feed : https://www.firstcitybellevue.com/weekly-disruption?format=rss
Last Episode : May 28, 2024 7:28am
Last Scanned : 4.8 hours ago
Episodes currently hosted on IPFS.
Jesus, Israel, the Church, and America
Who killed Jesus? The biblical and theological answer to that question is rather straightforward, and yet part of the answer has become a bit controversial in recent weeks. We are going to tackle Jesus, Israel, and America on the season one finale of The Weekly Disruption.
Published 5/28/2024
The Problematic History of Feminism
Several weeks ago we talked about some of the major ideas that have caused the mess we are in today…but I left a big one off the list: feminism. Why? Because feminism deserves an episode all on its own. We are going to disrupt the common understanding of the history of feminism this week on the Weekly Disruption.
Published 5/21/2024
The Gospel of Matthew: The Birth of Jesus and the War for Creation
The birth of Christ is this beautiful moment in history. There is great joy and declarations of “peace on earth!” But the birth of Christ is an act of cosmic war, where the kingdom of God is on the advance, and the enemy isn’t going quietly. We’re looking at the birth of Jesus and the war for creation this week on the Weekly Disruption.
Published 5/14/2024
The Gospel of Matthew: Why the Wismen Matter
During the Christmas season, one of the most common decorations and displays is the Nativity Scene…and any good nativity scene includes the one, two, three wise-men. Who are these guys…and why are they so interested in the birth of Jesus? We’re looking at who these visitors from the east are and why they matter to the story of Jesus this week on the Weekly Disruption.
Published 5/07/2024
How We Got in this Mess
Ever had one of those moments where you walk into a room and it is an absolute disaster of a mess, and you go “How in the world did that happen?” When we see the challenges and messes in our society, it is easy to ask, “How in the world did this happen?” We are going to try to explain the mess, this week on the Weekly Disruption.
Published 4/30/2024
The Gospel of Matthew: The Virgin Birth and the Mission of Jesus
The Virgin Birth of Jesus is one of the core doctrines of the Christian faith. But why does it matter that Jesus was born a virgin? Why does it change everything about our faith that Jesus wasn't born a virgin? We're tackling the Virgin Birth and the Mission of Jesus this week on The Weekly Disruption.
Published 4/23/2024
The Gospel of Matthew: Genealogy of a King
If Christ is king is the most disruptive thing that we can believe, and if submitting to the kingship of Christ in all of life is the most disruptive thing that we can do, then where should we go to learn more about the kingship of Christ and how to follow Him with all of our lives? Well, the answer is pretty simple. Just open the Bible. This podcast turns into a Bible study this week on The Weekly Disruption.
Published 4/16/2024
What It Means to Be Disruptive
What is the most disruptive thing you can believe? What will cut through the cultural noise faster than anything? What's going to break the spell and ensure that you're being formed vividly? We're going to get to the heart of what it means to live disruptively this week on the Weekly Disruption.
Published 4/09/2024
The Church is not a Spiritual Supermarket
So what is the church exactly? Ask a hundred different Christians, you may get a hundred different answers. But what if I told you what you believe about the church makes all the difference in the world, that a weak definition of the church actually leads to weak faith. We'll tackle why what you believe about the church matters this week on The Weekly Disrupting.
Published 4/02/2024
What Technology is Doing to Your Kids
Since 2011, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of adolescents, teens, and young adults who struggle with anxiety and depression. The reasons for this increase are widely debated, but one cause is becoming clear…and you are carrying it in your pocket. We are going to tackle what technology is doing to your kids this week on the Weekly Disruption.
Published 3/26/2024
Gender Clarity in a Gender Confused World
What is a woman? What is a man? Up until about 15 minutes ago, the answer to these questions was fairly obvious. But today, the obvious isn’t so obvious...at least not to those shaping our culture. Are sex & gender fixed realities or are they identities we can shape as we please?
Published 3/19/2024
What Do You Expect to Be Hated For?
Jesus says in Matthew 5:11 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Jesus told his followers persecution would be part of the package. But what does persecution mean for Christians today living in the U.S.? Sometimes you hear Christians are hated not for being faithful Christians but for not being Christian enough. Is this true? If persecution is part of the package, what can Christians expect to be hated for?
Published 3/12/2024